Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bravo Multi-Shot Shotguns

The Bravo line of burst-shot shotguns pose a new and interesting way to play airsoft. These shotguns are spring powered, meaning that they require no batteries or gas to operate, increasing their reliability and decreasing their cost. The Bravo burst shotguns come in many different styles, but all feature similar internals.

More on these shotguns after the jump!

Each Bravo shotgun fires three BB's with each trigger pull, with the foregrip needing to be cocked in between each shot. Because of this, the rate of fire is much slower for one of these shotguns than would be expected in an AEG, gas blowback pistol or gas rifle. However, these shotguns are very reliable and make up for their lower rate of fire with surprising accuracy and fps power.


The Bravo Multi-shot shotguns come in 4 different models: Short Barrel  & No Stock, Short Barrel & Retractable Stock, Short Barrel & Full Stock, and Long Barrel & Retractable Stock. Although the length of each of these shotguns differs, they all have the same internals, and therefore load and fire the exact same way.

Each Bravo shotgun has three inner barrels within its outer barrel. Each time the shotgun is cocked, one BB is loaded into each of the barrels, which all have their own hop-up. Each BB is given the same amount of backspin, adding to the reliability of each shot. Additionally, each BB fires from a separate barrel, increasing and matching the fps on all three BB's, while increasing long range accuracy.

These shotguns use shell type magazines. Each shotgun shell holds 30 BB's, and is loaded by a speed loader. The shell is inserted into the bottom of the shotgun via spring loaded hatch. The hatch is opened on the right side of the shotgun, where the release is activated by an extended index finger. once released, the spent shell will fall out of the shotgun, and a new one can be inserted.

Shell type Magazines

The Bravo Multi-shot shotgun has a safety located behind the trigger, which when activated, prevents the trigger from being pulled. The shotgun can still be loaded and cocked with the safety activated, but will not fire. 

These shotguns pose a unique way to play airsoft, as they require much more selective firing. With a slower rate of fire and reload time, spring shotguns are quite different form the suppressive power of electric or gas powered airsoft guns. The Long Barrel models of the Bravo shotgun come with a top rail for optics. We recommend the use of low profile red dot sights, as they keep peripheral visibility high and do not add much height or weight to the gun. Each shotgun comes with a shell magazine, speed loader and sling. The Bravo Shotguns range in price from $64.95 to $69.95, making them a perfect option for players looking to airsoft on a budget. Plus, they're a blast to use!

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